Our products

Hydroelectric Power Plants

In 2006 the hydroelectric production covered 16.4% of the total electric output in the world. Hydropower is a renewable resource with a safe and sustainable technology, efficient and clean. Given its importance, CAMU offers a full 360° service:

From feasibility studies to design, from production to testing and implementation. We offer all kinds of hydraulic turbines (Kaplan, Francis and Pelton) complete with hydraulic system control panel and auxiliary equipment. Thanks to our expertise in the field of hydropower we have a complete and clear vision of the plants, the needs and future opportunities.


CAMU S.r.l. – Via Aldo Moro, 3 – 38062 ARCO (TN) - ITALIA
Tel. + 39 0464 516778  |  Fax +39 0464 518634  |  P.IVA: 00160080222  |  CAP.SOC: 10.000 €  |  info@camulenzi.com

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